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Why are there so many LGBTQ+ homeless youth?

What is LGBTQ+ youth homelessness?

1 in 4 teens are forced to leave home after they come out. Despite significant progress for the LGBTQ+ community in recent years, coming out can still be a traumatic experience. Once homeless, young LGBTQ+ people are at high risk of facing violence, discrimination, sexual exploitation, and substance abuse. We spoke to Lucy Bowyer, Director of Services at akt, to find out more.

How you can make sure your friends are safe when they come out?

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How can akt help?

akt supports lgbtq+ young people aged 16-25 in the uk who are facing or experiencing homelessness or living in a hostile environment. They help young people into safe homes, employment, education, or training, by providing supports like emergency accommodation, advice, mentorship, life skills training and peer support networks.

Learn more about akt here.

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Additional LGBTQ+ charities to support