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Meet the impacters

Get to know the people and organizations we work with through the Tomorrow Tree Fund.

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Meet Milkywire

Around the world amazing people are doing amazing things to protect wildlife, fight climate change and save our oceans and forests. Milkywire makes it easier for you to support them to do this. On the Milkywire app you can give directly to trusted grassroots organizations all over the world, connect with them and get updates on the important work they’re doing. It’s charity done smarter, bringing the causes that matter to you within easy reach thanks to the power of technology.

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What causes can you support through Milkywire?

When you donate to organizations on Milkywire you’re directly supporting work in line with the United Nations Global Goals—the world’s best plan of action to secure the future of our planet. You can choose to support impacters—award-winning organizations, conservationists and environmentalists—working to stop climate change, save the oceans, fight extinction and halt deforestation, and you can get updates straight from the field and the experts on the work you’re contributing to.

Did you know? We launched the Tomorrow Tree Fund in partnership with Milkywire, to support grassroots projects working hard to make an impact on our planet.

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“As a community, we’re capable of amazing things when we come together—it literally takes a few hundred people to change the world. We can save our precious, beautiful bees and we can plant a million trees.” — Milkywire

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Thanks to you, we’re able to support NGOs all around the world fighting for our forests. 1 PANGAIA product purchased = 1 tree planted, protected or restored through the Tomorrow Tree Fund—powered by Milkywire.